Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Cars and Coffee at JBA to have a charity fundraiser for a Navy Seal, KIA Sept 11th (9-11) 2012 Libya - US Embassy

Senior Petty Office Tyrone Snowden Woods, Sr., a United States Navy SEAL (ret.) was 41. He died September 12 defending the U. S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya
"Ty Woods was a friend, crew member and long-time customer of JBA Speed Shop," J Bittle said. "It is fitting that we pay tribute to this fallen hero and accept donations to benefit Ty's legacy---his 4-month old baby boy Kai."

 The tribute will be held during the monthly 'Coffee & Cars on the Mesa,' a Sunday morning gathering of San Diego car enthusiasts. We kick off the holiday season this Sunday morning by celebrating this local American hero.

 The best way to donate is when your donation can be customized at It can be anonymous or you can include a note to his family. It will also provide a receipt for this tax-free donation. An official donation site will also be available at JBA Coffee & Cars for cash or checks with 100% going to help Kai.
5675 Kearny Villa Road
Next door to Fun Bike Center

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